Sunday, March 25, 2012

Making Friends as an Adult - in The Garden City

It's nice to have friends that you have had since you were young but sometimes one of you moves away and you drift apart. How to find friends as an adult? Especially if you have moved to a new city. As an adult it is a little harder to form those bonds we easily made in a sandbox as a child. 

If you have recently moved to Missoula County and have yet to bond with one of our over 100,000+ residents here are a few tips and ideas to help get those friendships flowing!

KIDS ACTIVITIES - If  you are a parent, one of the best ways to meet others is through your kids. Missoula offers so many different  activities that allow us parents to set on the sidelines or in the theater seat ( - MCT, a Missoula original.) with handful of others just like us.  Take advantage of these moments. Some of the best adult friendships come from these meetings.

SPORTS - is a Missoula site that offers tons of information on The Garden City. Under the Services drop down is Parks and Recreation. This is a great place to find activities for your kids but tons of Adult Activities are also offered. This is a great way to meet new friends and stay active. Soccer teams, softball teams, heck even Sand Volleyball teams are forming now.  If running is more your style Run Wild Missoula will be your choice to find those friends with the same mindset as you -

VOLUNTEER - Find a cause you are passionate about and you will form a strong bond with others that share the same values and beliefs as you.

WORSHIP - If you are a religious or spiritual person take time to visit one of our many churches and find that perfect fit for you.

And of course when in doubt, SMILE. A smile goes a long way. "Your smile brightens the lives of all who see it," writes Dale Carnegie in his best selling book "How to Win Friends and Influence People." You never know when you are meeting a new friend!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Missoula Neighborhoods

We all grew up in a neighborhood, all of our childhood memories revolve around where we grew up and the streets, parks, stores that were near to us.  Every time I work with buyers they ask about neighborhoods and I find myself reflecting on my childhood.  The only way to know a neighborhood is to ask those that live there and that is why the Missoula Organization of Realtors  created The Front Porch.  This website has videos, statistics and information about each of Missoula's unique neighborhoods.  Go to
I also always suggest to buyers to visit the neighborhood that they like during different times of the day to get a sense of the area. We sell homes and neighborhoods sell lifestyles and we need to bring them together for our clients.  We offer as many resources as we can to buyers while they are shopping for a new home.  We LOVE and and if you have any other suggestions please let us  know!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Where Do YOU Want To Live?

When looking for that new home make sure you start doing research in advance regarding what part of town you are looking to move too.

If you have kids one of the first things you will want to start doing is researching the schools in Missoula County and figuring out what works for you and your family.

If you are active and into the outdoorsy lifestyle of Missoula you may want to live somewhere centrally located to the Rattlesnake or close to the M for those great hikes.
If you are looking to bike and walk instead of drive you may want to look at the University area.

If you are looking for something possibly a little less expensive and willing to commute you may look at the outskirts of town.

That's why we love Missoula. So many choices.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I don’t know about you but the sunshine these last few days has gotten me ready for spring to come.

I love Missoula in the spring. Even though it is only March and Punxsutawney Phil did just see his shadow, which should mean six more weeks of winter, I am still thinking about spring.  But, did you know that the groundhog is only 13% accurate? Here’s hoping Phil gets it wrong again and spring is upon us before we know it.

 It’s fun in Missoula in the spring to drive down South Hills or out in Target Range and see the explosion of houses going on the market. Do you know what I mean? You may see one new sign one week? *Boom* But then by the end of the month it seems like half the houses on your normal drive to work or school are for sale. *Boom, Boom*

But one thing I would like you to think about is that people are buying houses 365 days a year. Every day a house is being sold somewhere. Check out this article on the two best days of the year to buys home. I would have never thought this.

If you are looking to buy a home this Easter, give me a call.

About Me

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Missoula, Montana
Missoula has been my home for over 30 years and I have been selling real estate for 21. My experience, knowledge and ability to "tell it like it is" has put me in the top 10% of agents in the Missoula market. My commitment to our community is strong and knowing that we can make a difference in someones life is equally as important to me.