Sunday, May 20, 2012

Selling everything but the kitchen sink

What is the old saying - "one man's junk is another man's treasure?" Perhaps you like to spend your Saturday checking out everyone elses junk and seeing if you must have it but most of us could probably honestly have a yard sale every spring/summer to clear out some unused/unwanted items just laying around. And why not? You could make a few hundred dollars. Here are some tips to get the most bang out your stuff for sale.

1) Plan. Plan. Plan. Honestly, you can't throw it together the day before. Look at your calendar now and see what weekend works for you and your family. If you do this right you can be on your way to the lake by 1:00pm at the latest, so it doesn't have to throw a wrench in your WHOLE weekend. Ask neighbors or friends if they want to get in on the action too. In the yard sale world the more is merrier!

2) Gather your bearings. You will need some extra card tables to set up so ask friends if you can borrow them in advance. I have a friend that has a clothes rack and that works super if you have some nicer clothes to showcase them. But ask ahead. That clothes rack is busy almost all summer. Stop by the dollar store and grab some price stickers and bright colored paper for signs. Make sure you have change. I usually have a few dollars in quarters and 20 $1 bills with a few fives. If you can get a few tens too. You would be amazed at the people that show up and buy something for $2 in the beginning of your sale with a $20 bill - grrrrr people!

3) Price items before hand. The most time saving idea is when you place something in a "yard sale" pile in your garage, price it then. This will save so much time but not always do-able. The Friday before your sale try to set up tables in your garage and lay items out and price them then.

4)Advertise! Make your signs. Just the basics. Make sure they at least have the address and times. Arrows help also.  Also, place an ad in the Missoulian ( on Craigslist ( In your ads I would put a little description of what you have. Obviously list bigger priced items or furniture and certain sized kids or women's clothes. In the Missoulian you pay by line so you may not want to list everything but on craigslist? List away. It's FREE!

5) The night before make sure signs are made, ads are placed, items are priced and you got a little change in your pocket. Plan where you will keep your money during the sale. If you have a little money apron wear that. And if you place an ad in the Missoulian they will give you one in your packet. I personally hang signs in the morning. I am always afraid of the weather ruining my signs or those early birds finding me too easy when I am not ready for them just yet. Try to go to bed as early as possible and set the coffee to start brewing first thing.

6) The morning of, get your things out there and sell, sell, sell. Be cheerful and be willing to bend a bit on your prices. I always have a few items that I won't "give away" and already plan to sell on Craigslist if they don't sell that day. If I advertise my sale to go till noon then around 11 am I make everything half priced except for those few exceptions. You want to get the stuff out. When all done DO NOT put the items back in your garage or worse yet your house - pack it in the car to take to a drop off center. I usually separate items at that point. Any kids clothes or items are something they love at the the Watson's Children Center ( ). Especially swimsuits during the summer! I may have books that I plan on taking to The Book Exchange ( The rest of the items I drop off at Goodwill, Secret Seconds or the Salvation Army.

7) Last but not least, add up those earnings. Wasn't it worth it? And now go take down all those signs you hung up. You don't want to advertise that you don't care about the earth!

Happy Selling!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Did you know MOM is WOW upside down?

Did you know Mother's Day has officially been around since 1908?  You really should appreciate your mom every day (hint, hint to my kids) but you really need to spoil her this one Sunday in May.

So what are your plans? I have joked in the past that the best Mother's Day for me really would be a day without my kids. Sound horrible? They can be enjoyable when they get along and are respectful but let's be honest - that doesn't happen often. If they can just give me this one day and be pleasant to each other and me, I'd be happy. And throw in some homemade gifts and cards? You got one happy momma. But if you can't give this to your mom and are stuck what to do in replacement of a nice happy Sunday I have a few ideas.

Flowers. Flowers may not last long but they sure are pretty and smell so good. Some of my favorite spots to grab some flowers? The Farmers Market, Bitterroot Flower Shop ( and I am also always impressed with Safeway's selection.

A Spa Day. With some really great day spas in Missoula why not help all of Mom's cares go away. A massage can carry all her worries away and feels so good  or what mom doesn't like pretty toes? Some of our favorite spas include Sorrella's, Cedar Creek Day Spa and Cowgirls -

Jewelry. And I am not talking about the fancy, expensive kind. Well, unless you can purchase that and still pays your bills. More power to you. I am talking about just some fun pieces.  Apricot Lane ( in the Southgate Mall has some fun pieces mom is bound to love. Also, I personally can always find some deals and beauties at Maurice's and JC Penney's. If you feel like heading downtown  One Eleven has some fun stuff and of course Rockin Rudy's never disappoints.

Brunch. Mom needs to get her nutrients for the day. Instead of just cooking for her at home how about taking her out for some yummy food Missoula has to offer.  Jakers, the Montana Club, and even Brooks and Browns in the Holiday Inn are planning Mother's Day brunches.

So this one day a year make sure your Mom realizes how much you appreciate and adore her. Spoil her rotten. Why you ask? Because I said so. And I'm a mom!

About Me

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Missoula, Montana
Missoula has been my home for over 30 years and I have been selling real estate for 21. My experience, knowledge and ability to "tell it like it is" has put me in the top 10% of agents in the Missoula market. My commitment to our community is strong and knowing that we can make a difference in someones life is equally as important to me.